Duke of York’s Theatre
The Duke of York’s is equipped with a Sennheiser infra-red sound amplification system. To access the infra-red systems please request receiving equipment from the Box Office situated in the main foyer – a deposit of £10 is required. There are two devices available: Induction Loop Necklace Suitable for persons wearing a hearing aid, worn around the neck. Whilst wearing the necklace switch your hearing aid to the ‘T’ setting and the sound is amplified. The necklace has an adjustable volume control. The headset device amplifies sound through earpieces similar to regular headphones. Suitable for persons without a hearing aid. The Duke of Yorks Theatre offers captioned performances in association with STAGETEXT. Captioning converts the spoken word into text that provides people with hearing loss access to live performance. In captioning, the words appear on a screen at the same time as they are sung or spoken. Captions also include sound effects and offstage noises. For more information visit www.stagetext.org. Captioned performance dates are announced once scheduled with each show.